What's the point of everything? We waste most of our time trying to realize our own little fairytale. Waiting for the prince or princess to live happily ever after. Never be unhappy, fall in love with the wrong person or lose someone. We try to build our own castle of our dreams. Our own kingdom where we will never really get to know what pain means. Lost, betrayal, despair. But while we are trying to live in a world that doesn't exist, we stop living our real life. We start to compair everything to a visionary perfection and are waisting our time. We don't know how much time we have. Some people tell us to live everyday, as if it's our last. But to be sure, nobody really does. We think we have more time. A tomorrow, a second chance. The chance to tell people we love them even if they don't care or if we are afraid of their reaction. The chance to apologize, even for things that happend way back in the past. But we don't. Someday we will wake up and realize that we always lived in our own fairytale. Just to run away from the cruelty and pain of the world. And then it will be to late to change everything. Living means fighting. You have to find yourself and fight for your dreams. If you stumble or fall just stand up and keep moving because some day you will find your personalized happily ever after. Everyone will. You just have to believe in one person.
- "Nachwort":
- Dieser Gedankensplitter entstand gerade einfach so. Es war direkt auf englisch in meinem Kopf weshalb ich direkt mein Textdokument geöffnet und es einfach niedergeschrieben habe. Ich habe nicht sehr darauf geachtet ob ich die richtige Zeit verwende, die richtige Grammatik etc. sondern es einfach aufgeschrieben. Deshalb hoffe ich, sind keine störenden Fehler drin. =)